Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Launch Madness-Not So much

Well, the dust is beginning to settle, and I imagine all the trampled and stabbed people of the PS3 launch are recovering from their wounds. So what have we learned? Well, I know you best not come between a scalper and his brand new launch console aka money maker. It's sad, but I'd say 90% of the people waiting in lines over night to buy the new consoles are just turning them around on Ebay. The PS3 was fetching over $3000 in the first week after launch, but its starting to settle with auctions ending just over $1000. Don't these people realize they've saturated the online auction supply? Is saturated the right word? Anyways, they've basically taken the supply of the stores and brought it online. So we will see if there really is that high of a demand for the consoles.

Overall the Wii launch was a bit more tame. Still, it did sell out, but not as violently. I'd say reason being that gamers were actually buying the system, not scalpers. Gamers who had intentions to actually play their systems and buy games and accessories.

I didn't manage to score myself a PS3, which I am mildly bummed about. I'm hearing some bad stuff about PS3 that I hope will be fixed by the time I manage to grab one. Limited online functionality, some broken backwards compatibility problems. The main thing is the system doesn't have many games I can only play on it, except for Resistance.

So About my Wii. Its good fun. I'm enjoying Wii Sports and Zelda. The online wifi connection seems busted though. Sometimes it connects, sometimes it doesn't. I went to Nintendo's site which recommended me to switch my router channel to 1 or 11. I changed it to 11 and now it works great!

I have only downloaded on virtual console game. The virtual console allows you to play classic titles from Nes, Snes, Genesis, N64, and Turbo Grafx systems. I downloaded one of my favorite Turbo Grafx games, Bonks Adventure. I'm happy to report the virtual console emulates flawlessly. Also, if you chose to exit the game and return to Wii menu, the game will save the point you quit on, so next time you boot the game, yer right where you left off. It even includes buttons for turbo as the Turbo Grafx controller once did. This has been a problem for me with passed Turbo Grafx emulation on PC and PDAs. The game plays great with the Wii Remote. You simply turn it side ways, and it becomes a classic controller. The A and B buttons become the turbo buttons, while 1 and 2 are the standard buttons. Some may argue on the Wii Remote the turbo buttons are a bit cumbersome to hit, but I haven't had problems. If you do find it odd to play this way, you can purchase a classic Wii controller. I think its lame that it's not wireless though.

So in my opinion, both systems are probably at this point, not must have items. I'd say when Super Mario Galaxy or Wario Ware hits, you will need a Wii. As for PS3, uh? Hmmm, I don't know. Maybe Metal Gear? ...maybe.

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