Monday, November 06, 2006

Launches-Gaming Nature

Well I guess I lose. I was wrong. I'm not strong enough. I was poised to sit this one out. I was determined to wait and not give into the hype. I guess my gaming habit is gonna get the best of me again. Like some kind of werewolf who has no choice but to run wild and feast upon human flesh when the full moon is out and uh whatever else it is werewolves do (Turn other people into werewolves and shoot uzis?), the PS3 launch is changing me back into the gamer nerd and I will feast upon its shiny new plasticy smelling goodness (plasmoodness? No taco bell jokes?), or will I? One thing is for sure, the hunt will defenitely be on. It was all this blog here that reminded me how much I love console launches. I love the anticipation, I love bringing the machine home. I love the smell of the new plastic and the wrappers. Man I'm a nerd.

A little back story. I camped out for the Xbox 360 around this time last year, for about 11 to 12 hours in freezing balls cold weather (my wife will lead you to believe it wasn't really freezing balls, but then how would she know?) I had no choice, I didn't reserve one, but then again, I know a bunch of kids who did reserve one and didn't get one till months after I already popped my 360s electronic cherry. I am extremely content with my 360, other than some annoyances with the 2 other units that red ring of death'd on me, I love the machine. I'll admit though that I've been hungering for more games. I love FPS (first person shooters) as much as the next nerd, but come on. I need a little variety(It's funny cuz the game I want most on PS3 is Resistance Fall of Man, which is FPS). After a year head start the 360 library mostly consists of FPS, and the future seems to be bringing even more.



Perfect Dark Zero


Far Cry

Quake 4

I could keep going and going I'm sure, but you get the point.

So yeah, I kept telling myself I would hold off on the PS3. Its not gonna be that big a difference performance wise from the 360, it doesn't have an online service like Xbox Live, there's no real big game coming out (however I really want to play Resistance), and the controller is just plain gay. Still, there's something inside me, compelling me to get one at launch. It's the whole, I MUST HAVE THE NEW TOY BEFORE EVERYONE ELSE. I didn't reserve one, and like the PS2 before it, they don't have enough supply to meet the demand. So I'm going to camp out for it. It will be mine, oh yes...

Hey wait? What about the Nintendo Wii. Cartman wants one so it has to be good. Well I have one reserved. That ones in the bag. So I don't feel the need for it. I can't explain it. Yes I really want the Wii, and can't wait to play it, but I know I'm getting it for sure. The PS3 is a mystery. Will I find one? Will I have one before all the other kids on my block (probably, but they will probably steal it shortly after I bring it home, damn the ghetto).

So I lose. Whether I get the console or not, I lose. I gave in. To the hype? Maybe. More so this parasite inside me that makes me buy stupid game systems.

Any one else feel like theres a parasitic cyst implanted within their brain that makes them need new gadgets?

I have every reason to wait on a PS3. Defective launch consoles. Undeveloped online strategy. Not alot of good games. High price. Yet each time I see one of those crappy PS3 T.V. commercials or see people online getting their test units (bastards), it makes me need it all the more reguardless of my better judgement.

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