Friday, December 29, 2006

PS3 vs. Wii vs. 360

+ + =

I have finally assembled the next gen trinity. Yesterday my wife gave me the biggest surprise ever. "Get something out of the trunk for me", she says. So I think its like groceries or something, but kiddingly I say "If its a PS3 I'm going to be very upset".

It was indeed a PS3, and I was far from upset. I was more like a giddy school girl jumping around. Sadly I was only on my lunch break so my time with my PS3 was short. It took everything I had to drive back to work, but I did it.

While I was home for lunch I did set up the PS3, hooking it up to my HD T.V. with the old PS2 component cables, just to see if it would work. It did work. Next was actually trying to figure a spot for my new PS3. The machine is a behemoth. After some tetris like adjusting I finally got it in my entertainment center next to my Wii and 360. With my team of consoles I feel like I can merge them together to form Voltron or something. Theres so many cool glowing L.E.D. lights all over the place. I also got to set up the internet and download the firmware updates, but that was it.

Later that day I sped home to play some Resistance Fall of Man. After a meh tutorial mission, the game began to develop into something exciting yet familiar. I played the campaign for about 2 hours and had some fun, but then decided to check out the online play. That was when I was completely blown away. 40 player deathmatches, no lag. It was crazy, it was fast, but mostly it was really fun. I didn't get to spend as much time with it as I would like, so I didn't try out voice chat, or even the diffent online match options. I can say that the game does support clans, and it has a matchmaking sort of party system, which is a big plus for me. The party system even works with ranked games (take note Epic, I'm looking at you Gears of War).

I also downloaded the Motor Storm demo that has been on most retail kiosks. The game looks great, but I really suck at it. Also I really want to be able to stream my custom soundtracks ala xbox 360, sadly, nope, can't do it. At least not yet, heres hoping.

Thats pretty much the story with PS3. The PS3 can't do alot of what the 360 does. Features 360 owners may take for granted. Stuff like, streaming media from your PC or usb devices. Stuff like having a universal friends list with messages and private chat sessions able to take place no matter what yer playing or doing. Downloading a demo, you can go and chat with friends or browse other stuff on the Live Market. PS3, nope, you gotta wait till its down, go read a book or take a dump or something. Hopefully with time, Sony will update some of these features.

What about Wii? Well, I havent touched it in a while. I have Zelda and Metal Slug, and some cool virtual console games, but I find myself still playing Gears of War more than anything. I can't wait for games like Wario Ware, and Super Mario Galaxy. I used the Internet browser, which in my opinion is better than the PS3, what the hell is going on with all these buttons internet browser. Opera is simple to use, PS3 web browser is all over the place with L3 and R3 clicks and no zoom so I can't read what the hell is on screen nonsense going on. Also I actually use the forecast channel on the Wii.

How would I rank each system?

Well I'm not going to rank it with numbers, I see these consoles each being a part of my gaming entertainment. No one console is greater than the other. I will compare them to parts of Voltron. If these consoles did indeed form into the giant Robeast fighting defender of the universe I believe the Wii would probably be the arms and legs because of the wii mote and the motions you use to play games. The PS3 would be the torso which holds everything together with awesome titles. The 360 would definitely be the Head, with its ability to use streaming media, and do multiple tasks, not to mention awesome games and Live online play.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Who throws a wiimote? Honestly

There's been many reports of people tossing their Wii remotes into their T.V. screens. Instances have even been reported this morning on the Today show. This is getting out of hand (uh no pun intended?). At first, it was kinda funny, but now people are blaming the wrist strap. I have the Wii, and have played many hours to know that you have to be either A) Really drunk, B) A God Damned idiot, or C) An un supervised child under 10, to let the Wii remote fly out of you hands. I'm trying to figure out how people are achieving this. How can you possibly let go of the controller? Are these people playing Wii Sports breaking their T.V.s actually tossing the controller when pitching on Baseball? If they are here's a tip. Don't. You don't have to let go. The game will understand if you don't. Really, just do the motion, I promise, if you keep the control in your hand the ball will be tossed in game. Trust me. Even so, Nintendo is fixing the Wii strap, or idiot proofing it. more on that here

In this arcticle at IGN for example

In an interview with MTV's Stephen Totilo last week, Nintendo of America president Reginald Fils-Aime also admitted that users may be experiencing these kinds of problems with the Wiimote. Reggie told MTV, "You have to properly attach the strap. Some people aren't quite doing it the right way, which can lead to the Wii remote potentially flying off... So wipe off your hands, use the Wii properly, and don't throw the remote."

Sounds to me like Reggie just told those gamers to stop being god damned idiots to me.

Reggie wants idiot Wii remote tossers to quit being a bunch of douchebags

Well, I'll end my rant there.

I'd also like to share with you a short story my wife had. She works at a game store and they recieved 2 PS3 20 gig units a couple of days ago. Funny thing is, no one wanted to buy one. She said the customers asked if they had any Wiis in stock. Strange.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Launch Madness-Not So much

Well, the dust is beginning to settle, and I imagine all the trampled and stabbed people of the PS3 launch are recovering from their wounds. So what have we learned? Well, I know you best not come between a scalper and his brand new launch console aka money maker. It's sad, but I'd say 90% of the people waiting in lines over night to buy the new consoles are just turning them around on Ebay. The PS3 was fetching over $3000 in the first week after launch, but its starting to settle with auctions ending just over $1000. Don't these people realize they've saturated the online auction supply? Is saturated the right word? Anyways, they've basically taken the supply of the stores and brought it online. So we will see if there really is that high of a demand for the consoles.

Overall the Wii launch was a bit more tame. Still, it did sell out, but not as violently. I'd say reason being that gamers were actually buying the system, not scalpers. Gamers who had intentions to actually play their systems and buy games and accessories.

I didn't manage to score myself a PS3, which I am mildly bummed about. I'm hearing some bad stuff about PS3 that I hope will be fixed by the time I manage to grab one. Limited online functionality, some broken backwards compatibility problems. The main thing is the system doesn't have many games I can only play on it, except for Resistance.

So About my Wii. Its good fun. I'm enjoying Wii Sports and Zelda. The online wifi connection seems busted though. Sometimes it connects, sometimes it doesn't. I went to Nintendo's site which recommended me to switch my router channel to 1 or 11. I changed it to 11 and now it works great!

I have only downloaded on virtual console game. The virtual console allows you to play classic titles from Nes, Snes, Genesis, N64, and Turbo Grafx systems. I downloaded one of my favorite Turbo Grafx games, Bonks Adventure. I'm happy to report the virtual console emulates flawlessly. Also, if you chose to exit the game and return to Wii menu, the game will save the point you quit on, so next time you boot the game, yer right where you left off. It even includes buttons for turbo as the Turbo Grafx controller once did. This has been a problem for me with passed Turbo Grafx emulation on PC and PDAs. The game plays great with the Wii Remote. You simply turn it side ways, and it becomes a classic controller. The A and B buttons become the turbo buttons, while 1 and 2 are the standard buttons. Some may argue on the Wii Remote the turbo buttons are a bit cumbersome to hit, but I haven't had problems. If you do find it odd to play this way, you can purchase a classic Wii controller. I think its lame that it's not wireless though.

So in my opinion, both systems are probably at this point, not must have items. I'd say when Super Mario Galaxy or Wario Ware hits, you will need a Wii. As for PS3, uh? Hmmm, I don't know. Maybe Metal Gear? ...maybe.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Launches-Gaming Nature

Well I guess I lose. I was wrong. I'm not strong enough. I was poised to sit this one out. I was determined to wait and not give into the hype. I guess my gaming habit is gonna get the best of me again. Like some kind of werewolf who has no choice but to run wild and feast upon human flesh when the full moon is out and uh whatever else it is werewolves do (Turn other people into werewolves and shoot uzis?), the PS3 launch is changing me back into the gamer nerd and I will feast upon its shiny new plasticy smelling goodness (plasmoodness? No taco bell jokes?), or will I? One thing is for sure, the hunt will defenitely be on. It was all this blog here that reminded me how much I love console launches. I love the anticipation, I love bringing the machine home. I love the smell of the new plastic and the wrappers. Man I'm a nerd.

A little back story. I camped out for the Xbox 360 around this time last year, for about 11 to 12 hours in freezing balls cold weather (my wife will lead you to believe it wasn't really freezing balls, but then how would she know?) I had no choice, I didn't reserve one, but then again, I know a bunch of kids who did reserve one and didn't get one till months after I already popped my 360s electronic cherry. I am extremely content with my 360, other than some annoyances with the 2 other units that red ring of death'd on me, I love the machine. I'll admit though that I've been hungering for more games. I love FPS (first person shooters) as much as the next nerd, but come on. I need a little variety(It's funny cuz the game I want most on PS3 is Resistance Fall of Man, which is FPS). After a year head start the 360 library mostly consists of FPS, and the future seems to be bringing even more.



Perfect Dark Zero


Far Cry

Quake 4

I could keep going and going I'm sure, but you get the point.

So yeah, I kept telling myself I would hold off on the PS3. Its not gonna be that big a difference performance wise from the 360, it doesn't have an online service like Xbox Live, there's no real big game coming out (however I really want to play Resistance), and the controller is just plain gay. Still, there's something inside me, compelling me to get one at launch. It's the whole, I MUST HAVE THE NEW TOY BEFORE EVERYONE ELSE. I didn't reserve one, and like the PS2 before it, they don't have enough supply to meet the demand. So I'm going to camp out for it. It will be mine, oh yes...

Hey wait? What about the Nintendo Wii. Cartman wants one so it has to be good. Well I have one reserved. That ones in the bag. So I don't feel the need for it. I can't explain it. Yes I really want the Wii, and can't wait to play it, but I know I'm getting it for sure. The PS3 is a mystery. Will I find one? Will I have one before all the other kids on my block (probably, but they will probably steal it shortly after I bring it home, damn the ghetto).

So I lose. Whether I get the console or not, I lose. I gave in. To the hype? Maybe. More so this parasite inside me that makes me buy stupid game systems.

Any one else feel like theres a parasitic cyst implanted within their brain that makes them need new gadgets?

I have every reason to wait on a PS3. Defective launch consoles. Undeveloped online strategy. Not alot of good games. High price. Yet each time I see one of those crappy PS3 T.V. commercials or see people online getting their test units (bastards), it makes me need it all the more reguardless of my better judgement.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Video Games are Dead. Clover Studio R.I.P.

UPDATED!!!This just in, Clover may be breaking away from Capcom and starting their own independent studio.MORE HERE

Well if you haven't heard, the talented Clover Studio is no more. That's right the game development team that brought you awesome games like Vietiful Joe and Okami has been dissolved by Capcom.More here.

Will there ever be updates to their great titles now? Who knows? Capcom still owns the IP's, but even so, Clover were creative master minds. The games they released were unique and filled with beautiful art styles. All you gamers out there that never bought Viewtiful Joe or Okami are missing out on key games in gaming history. Without teams like Clover willing to try something creative and unique, the game industry will be flooded with crap games.

Clover Studio's final game, God Hand was just released Tuesday.

Its a sad day. Nintendo may just be the last stand for creativity in gaming. Capcom, I thought I knew you.

And now, a brief photo montage of Clover Studio gaming. RIP.

Viewtiful Joe-Gamecube


God Hand-PS2

CEO Atsushi Inaba

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Good Times with Monty Are I

Well last night was amazing. I got to see Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Monty Are I, and Lorene Drive. Each band put on an amazing show, but I'm more partial to Monty Are I, I really dig their latest cd "Wall of People", and highly recommend anyone to pick it up. Monty Are I put on an insane show. They were everywhere. So much so, it was very hard for me to get a good picture of them in focus with my crap ass camera, but I put up some anyways. Red Jump Suit was good, but they didn't have the energy and pressence Monty Are I were emmitting. I really went to the show to see Monty, but I enjoy each bands set.

Lorene drive, the opening act was really good. Their sound had this Motley Crue type thing going on. Alot of songs about making sweet love and lusting over womens bodies. They are great party music. Sadly they had no CDs for sale. NONE. The lead singer told me they are having some dispute with their record label and are not being provided Cds or maybe they just werent selling the Cds at their shows. That really sucks since a whole shit load of kids were asking for them. He said you can still find them in stores though so I'll be sure to go pick one up.

I got the chance to talk to Steve, the lead singer and guitar player for Monty Are I, and got to talk about a few of their songs, and he filled me in on a couple of things I had been pondering about their new album. Steve was a real cool guy and easy to talk to. First I asked him about the song "Castle Bound" which they played last night. When Steve introduced the song he said "Has anyone ever played the Legend of Zelda?" to a roaring response (who hasn't?), "This song is about the princess". NICE. Well the song starts off with a midi sound 8-bit musical clicks just like music from NES games. Everytime I heard that song, I kept thinking it was an actual song I remembered hearing in a game. Steve filled me in. They composed the intro using the 8-bit sounds from nintendo, but its completely original and is the same chorus from the song. Finally I won't keep trying to remember which game that was from. Also I asked him if he drew any inspiration from the band Survivor for the final track "Only the Weak". Steve raised his hands double fisted saying "YES!" looking to his buds at the merch table. "No one really ever tells me that, how old are you?", "Im 25" I tell him. He said the kids out at these shows never really catch on to that type of stuff. He told me he was listening to some Survivor and drew some inspiration to write that song. Unfortunately they didnt play it that night, he told me it wasn't of the songs they had rehearsed for the tour. BAH! Maybe next time.

If you ever get the chance to see these guys live, you need to jump on it. MONTY ARE I WILL ROCK YOUR FACE OFF.

Ashley wheels and deals her way to a ten dollar shirt.

Ash with either the drummer or the other singer of Monty Are I (I think they are twins).

Friday, October 06, 2006

360 Reunion

Well the worst has past (I hope). My 360 has finally been replaced and returned to me. My last one crapped out on me. Now that its back, I've found some great stuff waiting for me to download on Live!

Doom on Live Arcade is da shiznit. I've had some great online multiplayer Co-Op sessions. This game is timeless. Also, I played a couple of games of Uno with some friends that have the Live Vision camera. It was good times, but its also scary knowing at any given moment you may catch a glimpse of weiner.

Not so great stuff to download was the Sonic the Hedgehog demo. This game is weak. I remember seeing video of Sonic running through a forest jumping and soaring through the air, then fighting huge robots. Well sadly that all but a memory. The level on the demo is a yawn fest. The gameplay is the same as Sonic Adventure, the changes to the game are for the worst. No spin? Homing attack throwing you into the abyss. This game just feels broken when you play it. Give me a wide open area to put Sonics speed to use. I don't want broken bridges and rope trampolines. I'll take Sonic Rush on DS over this anyday. Sega please fix this game or cancel it altogether.

Tonight is the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus and Monty Are I show at House of Rock. I can't wait to see these bands. If you haven't heard them check them out Monty are I and The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.

I'll try to take some pictures and upload them here later.

Peace out.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

New Crossbones Blog

Well, I was using my google page as a blog, and I figured using this would be easier. Time will tell.

You can find my old updates at the Archives

Will update soon.

Peace out.