Monday, December 11, 2006

Who throws a wiimote? Honestly

There's been many reports of people tossing their Wii remotes into their T.V. screens. Instances have even been reported this morning on the Today show. This is getting out of hand (uh no pun intended?). At first, it was kinda funny, but now people are blaming the wrist strap. I have the Wii, and have played many hours to know that you have to be either A) Really drunk, B) A God Damned idiot, or C) An un supervised child under 10, to let the Wii remote fly out of you hands. I'm trying to figure out how people are achieving this. How can you possibly let go of the controller? Are these people playing Wii Sports breaking their T.V.s actually tossing the controller when pitching on Baseball? If they are here's a tip. Don't. You don't have to let go. The game will understand if you don't. Really, just do the motion, I promise, if you keep the control in your hand the ball will be tossed in game. Trust me. Even so, Nintendo is fixing the Wii strap, or idiot proofing it. more on that here

In this arcticle at IGN for example

In an interview with MTV's Stephen Totilo last week, Nintendo of America president Reginald Fils-Aime also admitted that users may be experiencing these kinds of problems with the Wiimote. Reggie told MTV, "You have to properly attach the strap. Some people aren't quite doing it the right way, which can lead to the Wii remote potentially flying off... So wipe off your hands, use the Wii properly, and don't throw the remote."

Sounds to me like Reggie just told those gamers to stop being god damned idiots to me.

Reggie wants idiot Wii remote tossers to quit being a bunch of douchebags

Well, I'll end my rant there.

I'd also like to share with you a short story my wife had. She works at a game store and they recieved 2 PS3 20 gig units a couple of days ago. Funny thing is, no one wanted to buy one. She said the customers asked if they had any Wiis in stock. Strange.

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