Wednesday, February 28, 2007

New Games

Well, I been playing some new games lately across a few different systems and thought I'd share.

Sonic the Hedgehog-PS3

This game is ass. If you are curios how this game is, recall every single load time you ve ever sat through. And thats it. The game is crap. Completely. When you do get to play, the game is plagued with slow down, glitches, and cheap deaths.

What's an average hedgehogs lifespan? A bit too long for this one.

Virtua Fighter 5-PS3

This game is awesome, its awesome like virtua fighter 4. Guess what, its not much different from virtua fighter 4. You know what this game needs? Online Matches. Its even set up like an online game. Name yer character, customize, even a comment before matches, but its not online. So dont buy it. Cuz chances are yer buddies that come over to play games with you don't play virtua fighter.

If you survive the unbelievably long HDD save before the game boots up, a decent fighter awaits you.

Metal Gear Portable Ops-PSP
Great game. Its like Metal Gear lite, for pussies that suck at metal gear (goffey comes to mind). Instead of one sprawling consistent world, MGPO divides its gameplay into individual levels. But the gameplay is still as deep as ever. Now you can recruit soldiers to your cause. The sound is amazing and the Comic book style cutscenes are BADASS. Yes, BADASS.

The screenshots don't do the game justice, it seriously looks good on the PSP's slick screen.


It was fun for 3 days exactly. The end.

Next up.

Bullet Witch maybe?

Although I hear its asstacular.

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